Chico Truck Accident Lawyer

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Serving Northern California

Large commercial trucks are vital to California’s economy, but they are also some of the most inherently dangerous vehicles on the road due to their size. If you have been injured in a truck accident, you could face a long and difficult series of legal proceedings in your efforts to recover. An experienced Chico truck accident lawyer is the ideal asset to have on your side in this challenging situation.

Representing Truck Accident Victims in Chico, CA

Barr and Mudford has extensive experience helping injured vehicle accident victims recover in Chico and surrounding communities. While the legal aftermath of a truck accident will likely be similar to what you could expect after most other types of vehicle accidents, these cases often present unique challenges due to the severity of the damages involved and the complex questions of liability that might arise.

With our team’s assistance, you can approach your recovery efforts with confidence and peace of mind. We have the skills and experience necessary to resolve the most challenging truck accident cases efficiently, and we are ready to address all of the unique variables present in your impending case. In every case we accept, our goal is to help our clients recover as much as possible from the damages they have suffered.

Proving Liability for a Truck Accident in Chico

Your first legal challenge in the aftermath of a truck accident is proving fault. State law requires that you prove fault for an accident before you can recover any compensation for your damages, and this will be more challenging in some cases than others. When it comes to truck accidents, these accidents may occur for the same reasons that other vehicle accidents happen, but there are other risk factors that can potentially cause truck accidents.

The trucking industry is heavily regulated, and all trucking companies must abide by state and federal regulations at all times. If an investigation reveals that a trucking company or other employer failed to uphold applicable regulations and an accident resulted, the employer could potentially bear fault for the actions of their employee. It is also possible for a truck accident to occur due to the shared fault of multiple parties.

Your Chico truck accident lawyer can help you gather the evidence you will need to determine liability for your accident. This evidence could include eyewitness accounts of the accident, traffic camera recordings, vehicle computer data, truck maintenance records, and documentation from a trucking company. Once fault is determined, your attorney can help you proceed with claiming compensation for the damages you suffered.

Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim for a Chico Truck Accident

Every driver is required to have auto insurance that complies with the state’s minimum coverage requirements. When an accident happens, the at-fault driver’s insurance policy will pay for the damages they caused to others. This same rule applies after a truck accident as it does after most passenger vehicle accidents. However, you could encounter various challenges in the insurance claim filing process.

Insurance may not fully cover your losses, and if not, you will need to file a personal injury suit in order to collect compensation for the damages you suffered. It is possible for the insurance company to push back against your claim in various ways, and if they do, you may not know how to resolve these issues and secure a fair amount of compensation for your damages. Your Chico truck accident lawyer can help you navigate all insurance-related issues after the accident.

Building Your Personal Injury Suit for a Truck Accident

If you cannot recover all of your damages through auto insurance, you will need to file a personal injury claim in order to recover compensation for your damages. Success with your personal injury claim means proving fault for the accident and then proving the full extent of the resulting damages. You must also eliminate any doubt as to whether the defendant’s actions are the sole cause of your claimed losses.

Your Chico truck accident lawyer can help you gather the evidence needed to build the foundation of your claim, and they will also help you prove the full extent of the damages you suffered. These damages include any economic losses you suffered from the accident as well as your pain and suffering. Economic damages are more straightforward and include your direct financial losses, and these are typically proven with the appropriate documentation.

Economic damages you can claim will likely include property losses, medical expenses, and lost income if you are unable to work due to your injuries. You also have the right to claim compensation for projected future losses, such as lost earning potential, if you are unable to work after the accident. Non-economic damages are more subjective. You can claim whatever amount of pain and suffering you believe to be reasonable to reflect the severity of your experience.

Resolving Your Truck Accident Claim in Chico

Ultimately, your truck accident case is likely to involve a long and difficult series of legal proceedings. You may need to confront difficult insurance claim adjusters and/or build a comprehensive personal injury suit in order to recover compensation for your damages. You have the greatest chance to succeed with your claim if you have legal counsel you trust representing you.

The team at Barr and Mudford can work closely with you through every stage of your case, from gathering the evidence needed to prove fault for your damages to proving the full extent of those damages and establishing causation with the defendant’s actions. Truck accident claims are typically more challenging to resolve than standard passenger vehicle accident cases, so the right attorney can be an invaluable asset to have on your side.

You face various time restrictions when it comes to pursuing your recovery, so it is important that you connect with an attorney who has successfully resolved cases like yours. Barr and Mudford can provide the legal assistance you need in this difficult situation, so it is vital that you reach out to our team quickly to have the greatest chance of success with your case.


Q: How Much Is a Truck Accident Settlement Worth in Chico?

A: The value of a truck accident settlement in Chico depends on the scope and severity of the victim’s damages. If you are able to prove another party directly caused your accident, you can hold them accountable for all the economic and non-economic damages you suffered from the incident. Your Chico truck accident lawyer can help you estimate the total potential value of your claim.

Q: How Soon Should I Contact a Chico Truck Accident Lawyer After an Accident?

A: You should contact a Chico truck accident lawyer as quickly as possible after your accident. You have a limited time in which to file an auto insurance claim and/or file a personal injury suit against the at-fault party. Additionally, the evidence you will require to prove fault is most reliable if you secure it quickly after the accident. Ideally, you should reach out to an attorney immediately after receiving medical care for your injuries.

Q: What Happens if I’m Partially Liable for My Accident?

A: If you are partially liable for your accident, you will lose a percentage of your case award that corresponds to your percentage of fault for causing the accident. Under the state’s pure comparative negligence statute, a plaintiff may still recover compensation even if they are partially liable. Additionally, there is no threshold of fault that bars the plaintiff from recovery, so it is possible for a plaintiff to be more at fault than the defendant and still recover compensation.

Q: How Long Will It Take to Resolve a Truck Accident Case in Chico?

A: The time required to resolve a truck accident case in Chico largely depends on whether the defendant is willing to accept liability for the accident and the scope of the victim’s damages. If the defendant accepts fault, then settlement is more likely, and this takes far less time than litigation. If the plaintiff’s damages can be covered entirely by insurance, then there will be no need to file a personal injury suit, and resolving the insurance claim may only take a few weeks.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Chico Truck Accident Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Chico truck accident lawyer is likely to be a percentage of your case award. The majority of personal injury lawyers accept cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no upfront or ongoing attorneys’ fees. Instead, the client pays their attorney a percentage of the case award won from the defendant, and they only pay this fee if and when they win their case.

The team at Barr and Mudford is ready to help you resolve your truck accident claim efficiently in Chico. We have years of experience helping injured clients recover from all types of vehicle accidents, and we are ready to put this experience to work in your case. You have a short time in which to pursue your recovery, so contact our team today and schedule your free consultation with a Chico truck accident lawyer.

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