Redding Personal Injury Lawyer

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If you or a member of your family recently sustained an injury because of another party’s actions, you may have grounds to pursue compensation for your damages with a personal injury claim. A Redding personal injury lawyer is the ideal asset in this situation. The right attorney can help you prove fault for your injury, help you understand your legal options for recovering your damages, and guide you through the process of holding the at-fault party accountable.

Experienced Personal Injury Counsel in Redding, CA

The team at Barr and Mudford excels at handling difficult personal injury cases, and our goal in every case we accept is to secure as much compensation for our client’s damages as state law allows. Every case is different, so we take time to get to know each client we represent so we can fully address their unique individual needs. When you hire our firm to handle your case, you have a dedicated legal advocate readily available for guidance and support when you need it.

Most personal injury cases in Redding arise from acts of negligence, or failure to use reasonable care in specific situations. They can also occur from illegal misconduct that results in harm to a victim. Whatever caused your recent personal injury, the steps you must take to formally establish liability and recover compensation for your losses will be difficult to complete without an experienced attorney’s help.

Instead of trying to manage your medical recovery, personal obligations, and legal affairs all at once on your own, having a Redding personal injury lawyer handle your case while you focus on recovery provides peace of mind in a challenging situation. Our firm can help you develop a cohesive and effective strategy aimed at securing maximum compensation for the damages you suffered.

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle in Redding

If you are looking for a Redding personal injury lawyer to assist you with your case, it is vital that you take time to carefully gauge a potential attorney’s experience level to determine whether they are the right legal representative in your situation. Barr and Mudford regularly handle a wide range of complex personal injury suits, and we are confident that we have the experience necessary to handle the challenges your case presents.

Car Accident Claims

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injuries in Redding each year, and the aftermath of any car accident can be very difficult to navigate on your own. Recovery begins by proving fault for the accident, and it is possible for a car accident to result from distracted driving, speeding, moving violations, or other forms of negligence behind the wheel. Many accidents also occur because of illegal acts such as intoxicated driving.

Your Redding personal injury lawyer can help you gather the evidence needed to prove exactly how your recent accident happened. You must identify the at-fault driver and prove how they caused the accident before you can pursue compensation for your losses with an auto insurance claim. If insurance will not fully cover your damages, you will need to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault driver.

Premises Liability Claims

If you were injured on someone else’s property, you may have grounds for a premises liability claim if your injury was the result of the property owner failing to address a foreseeable safety hazard. In California, a private property owner is required to resolve any safety hazards they notice on their property before they can cause harm to lawful visitors. It is important to remember that property owners are not liable for injuries to trespassers or intruders.

Your Redding personal injury lawyer can help you prove that you were lawfully present on the property where your accident happened. They will also assist you in proving that the property owner knew or reasonably should have known about the hazard but failed to take proper steps to address it before it could harm you.

Catastrophic Injury Claims

A personal injury can qualify as “catastrophic” if it results in any permanent harm to the victim. While most victims of personal injuries eventually recover, some are not so fortunate and suffer a wide range of long-term or permanent effects from these experiences. Spinal cord injuries, crushing injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and severe burns are a few examples of catastrophic injuries that often result in permanent harm.

While this type of case will follow the same procedural rules as most other personal injury cases, they tend to involve more substantial damages. Fully recovering from the losses you suffered from such an incident will require the help of an experienced attorney who will know how to uncover every available avenue of compensation in your case. You will also have grounds to claim substantial pain and suffering compensation to reflect the severity of your condition.

Wrongful Death Suits

When the victim of a personal injury does not survive, their family may have grounds to file a wrongful death suit against whoever inflicted the fatal injury. This type of personal injury claim is subject to specific laws in the state and seeks compensation for the losses suffered by the family of the victim, such as lost financial support, lost affection and care, and funeral and burial costs.

Resolving a wrongful death suit will require following similar procedural steps to what you could expect after a personal injury claim, but the emotional weight of the situation can be very difficult for any family to handle. Your Redding personal injury lawyer can help you build an effective wrongful death claim against whoever caused your loved one’s death and guide you through the process of holding them accountable.

Proving Liability for a Personal Injury in Redding

Success with any personal injury claim in Redding will require proving fault for the injury. Most personal injuries result from negligence, or failure to use reasonable care in a given situation. Proving negligence requires evidence showing the defendant owed a duty of care in the situation, failed to meet that duty of care in some way, and consequently caused the victim’s damages.

Alternatively, an injured plaintiff may need to prove that their injury was the result of illegal misconduct. In this situation, the defendant faces criminal prosecution for their actions, and their penalties may increase due to the harm they inflicted on the victim. Your Redding personal injury lawyer can explain the potential implications of the defendant’s criminal behavior when it comes to your recovery.

It is also vital to remember that success with a personal injury case will require proving that the defendant’s actions resulted in actual harm or some type of measurable loss. The victim will need to prove the full extent of the damages they sustained because of the defendant’s actions, and they will also need to prove the defendant is solely responsible for causing their damages and that they did not result from any other cause.

Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Suit

The purpose of a personal injury claim is to hold a defendant accountable for the harm they inflicted on a plaintiff, and this typically includes various forms of economic losses. Any direct financial losses resulting from the situation can qualify as economic damages, and the plaintiff will need to prove the extent of these damages in order to recover compensation.

The economic damages you may be able to recover from a successful personal injury suit could include property damage, medical expenses, and lost income. If the defendant damaged or destroyed your property, they are responsible for all repair and replacement costs. Similarly, if they caused a physical injury, they are liable for the cost of all the medical care you will need to reach maximum medical improvement from your injuries.

If you are unable to work due to your injury, the defendant is also liable for the income you are unable to earn because of their actions. This includes lost future earning capacity if you have been permanently disabled and will not be able to return to work due to your condition. Your Redding personal injury lawyer can be invaluable when it comes to accurately calculating any such projected future losses you intend to claim.

Pain and Suffering Compensation

State law also allows a personal injury plaintiff to seek compensation for the pain and suffering they experienced. This aspect of recovery is not limited to most personal injury cases, and plaintiffs are not required to use specific formulas to calculate pain and suffering compensation. Your attorney may seek an amount based on the overall severity of the harm you suffered and/or your projected recovery time.

Find Your Legal Counsel in Redding Today

If you intend to file any type of personal injury suit in Redding, you have a limited time in which to do so. You not only contend with the statute of limitations for filing your claim with the court, but the evidence you will need to prove liability will be most reliable if you gather it as quickly as possible after your injury has occurred.

The team at Barr and Mudford is ready to provide the comprehensive legal support you need for your personal injury case in Redding. You can expect compassionate and responsive legal guidance from our team through all stages of your case, and we will do everything we can to maximize your recovery as efficiently as possible.


Q: How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Personal Injury Case in Redding?

A: The time required to resolve a personal injury case in Redding depends on multiple factors, the most important of which is whether the defendant accepts liability for their actions and the scope and severity of the victim’s damages. A good attorney can streamline your case, reducing the time you need to wait to recover compensation for your damages. It could take several weeks to several months to resolve your case.

Q: How Do I Prove Liability for a Personal Injury in Redding?

A: You can prove liability for a personal injury in Redding by identifying the party or parties you believe to be responsible for your injury and proving that they directly caused your claimed damages. Success with your case will also require proving that your claimed damages directly resulted from the defendant’s negligence or misconduct and not from any other cause. Your attorney can help you gather the evidence you need to build an effective case.

Q: What Happens if I’m Partially Responsible for My Personal Injury?

A: If you are partially responsible for your personal injury, the state’s pure comparative fault rule will come into play, and you will lose a percentage of your case award to account for this shared fault. Whatever percentage of fault is assigned to you will be the percentage of your case award you will lose as a penalty. Your Redding personal injury lawyer can help you minimize the fault percentage assigned to you.

Q: Will I Win More Compensation if I Hire a Redding Personal Injury Lawyer?

A: You are likely to win more compensation if you hire a Redding personal injury lawyer, as they will know all the various forms of compensation you are eligible to claim. If you attempted to handle your case on your own you could encounter obstacles that you will not know how to overcome, or you could unintentionally accept a much smaller settlement than you rightfully deserve.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Redding Personal Injury Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Redding personal injury lawyer depends on the lawyer’s billing policy. Most personal injury attorneys in the state accept these cases on a contingency fee basis, which means the client does not pay any upfront legal fees. Instead, they pay a percentage of their case award to their attorney, but only if the attorney wins their case. This billing arrangement makes legal counsel more accessible to those who need it most.

Barr and Mudford has years of professional experience helping injured clients in the Redding area with a wide variety of personal injury cases. We are ready to put our experience to work for you and to help you recover as much as possible from your recent injury. You have a limited time to pursue your recovery, so contact us today and schedule your free consultation with an experienced Redding personal injury lawyer.

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